Thursday 22 January 2015

40 people working on the game Tekken X Street Fighter is currently

You remember the game Tekken X Street Fighter? Years ago announced Bandai Namco and Capcom for the issuance of a joint cooperation of the two games where chains figures defy fighting games Tekken and Street Fighter game one.

Capcom has released its game Street Fighter X Tekken, but Namco Bandai did not do, Katushiro Harada product Tekken games famous and Contact Person for the project for the game Tekken X Street Fighter confirmed through a new interview that the work underway on the game and the team of 40 people working on it.

The reason for the postponement of the project so much the fact that the video game market was packed with a number of versions of fighting games and even with the team working on the game, but more importantly, the focus of the project is the game Tekken 7 Currently, if when we will get the game? Harada wants to surprise fans of this game and will disclose the date Asaddaraha surprise as was the case with the game Tekken Revolution on Playstation 3, which was issued after one week of disclosure.